Narcos System HUD

Learn about Narcos System HUD

Narcos System HUD

The Narcos System HUD allows you to consume and do certain functions within the community, lets have a look at the HUD step by step starting with the basics. (You require RLVa activated to use it, please active RLVa first)

1. You must be registered to be able to wear the HUD
2. HUD contains 5 important informations (points, addiction, hunger, thirst and level)

As you play, your Thirst level and Hunger grow up to 100. You need to eat and drink anything to keep your levels below 100. If you reach 100 level on any of the stats of Hunger and Thirst, you will suffer the effects, passing out, collapsing and several other actions. Make sure that you eat and drink when you see your levels grow. You will be also rewarded with points when you consume items from our community.

You get Points by using the HUD every 5 minutes you win 1 point, all you need to do is to wear the HUD. If you consume items you also get Points, the more you use the HUD the more Points you get. These Points will allow you to exchange them for Goods, Items and/or Devices or Discounts in a Terminal on the Narcos Mainstore.

Addiction changes when you consume certain goods such as drugs, drinks and others, depending on the quality and purity of them and other settings, values may change, effects too.

Level represents the Research made by you to gain access to several devices, equipments and functions, Level is followed by Days for example: 2(60). Days are discounted every 24 hours, regardless of your login into SecondLife. If you lose the Level to a inferior one, you will have to make the level again.

3. When you Touch the HUD you are presented with some options, they may vary.
4. Consume will present you categories where you can select
5. Player Button option has a fist, touch to get the Menu with options.

Menu options (They may very)

5.1 - Get Meter (Delivers Fighting Meter for Weapons fights)
5.2 - Scan Avatar (Looks for Avatar in the same Region)
5.3 - Supplies (Indicates the current number and adds more)

5.4 - Scanning Avatars, select your Victim
5.5 - Send Invite to Join Narcos if not registered
5.5 - Select Option for the Victim (You need Play Supplies)
5.6 - After selection is made wear any necessary requested item or rez near you
5.7 - Select numbers from 1 to 3 to play with Victim
5.8 - Victim will try to guess your selection

Depending on the Play you make, the Victim may or may not be ready for other actions. Do a proper roleplay, use these functions properly. Victim can be drugged and stollen at the same time, but we strongly advise not to drug multiple times while still in effects or during the same process. Be responsible!

6. - Reset Button, will reset the scripts of the stats and reload configurations
7. - Options will give you access to Links and Informations and General HUD Settings
8. - Minimize/Maximize Options will Reduce/Increase the HUD space in your screen
9. - Detach Option is allowed if you are not Addicted.

To consume items, to load items or other actions, you must unlock the item, function or action you are going to use first then select the options from the Menu. You can also wear the object itself. No animations are provided to these items, unless otherwise.

You get Addicted if you reach a 500 Addict level. If you are Addicted, taking drugs will avoid the effects, such as collapsing, always consume more to avoid those. What reduces Addiction? Food, Water and Medicine.

Narcos System HUD requires the use of RLVa, please do activate that function in your viewer, not using it, makes you a cheater and if reported or detected, you will risk losing all your stats. Narcos System HUD has automatic updates and they are free. Check our Group for Updates and check the updates by doing a Reset on your HUD every once in a while. To avoid problems using your Narcos System HUD, please always reset it. If an item is not presented in the HUD, reset your HUD or try to get an Update.
Second Life® and Linden Labs® and the inSL Logo are Trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.. Narcos is not related or either represent any of them, we simply develop in-world products. All our products are intended to users with more then 18 years old. Our contents may vary from General, Moderate to Adult. Once you buy one of our items and after you receive it under your inventory we cannot return your L$ balance, all sales are final.
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